Tracking progress with a simple Ops Kanban board
Kanban boards aren't only for engineering teams - ops teams use them to manage operational work and communicate progress to the team. Read: "Everything Starts Out Looking Like a Toy" #210
Hi, I’m Greg 👋! I write weekly product essays, including system “handshakes”, the expectations for workflow, and the jobs to be done for data. What is Data Operations? was the first post in the series.
This week’s toy: an essay on writing “useless software”. If the stakes for creating are low, we sometimes end up with unexpected genius! Or at least something much better than we expected from a “toy”.
Edition 210 of this newsletter is here - it’s August 5, 2024.
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The Big Idea
A short long-form essay about data things
⚙️ Tracking progress with a simple ops Kanban Board
Even if you’ve never read about the history of Kanban, you’ve probably seen screens like the one above that divide a series of tasks (or a project, or a product) into stages of development easily reviewed by yourself or others.
It works like this: initial cards are created whenever new work is identified. The position of a card in a stack demonstrates the priority of that work – higher in the stack indicates more important work – and contains ideally enough information to evaluate that work card at the current stage of the progress funnel.
Each stack or list tells you something about the stage of the work to be done so that you can know more about the type of work contained there.
In a sample Ops Kanban, you might include:
Backlog - these are ideas that the team has suggested. Anything goes! If you want to have a filter for these, that’s ok too. The point is that it’s a catch-all for the things you think are worth doing but haven’t prioritized or evaluated in detail.
Todo - these items have passed the initial test for “it’s worth it to do these things.” Your mileage may vary, and I think of this as the “all things being equal, we would definitely do this” bucket. Cards that live here have a clear benefit for saving time, resolving an existing bug, expanding capability, or improving a process for the team. You can start prioritizing here, so the items at the top of your to-do list are the ones you’ll likely pick from when you need a new item for your doing list.
Doing - these are the things you’re actively working on right now. ⚠️ Be careful when you add items here before you finish others in this bucket because you probably can only work on a few things at a time. To add more items to this stack, you need to move them to Done.
Done - this is the stack of finished items, and really handy to remind you of the things you completed. Depending upon the granularity of your cards, you might have a lot of things in here, or not too many.
Tl;dr: the purpose of this organizing system is to force you to categorize your work and then limit how many items you take on at any one time.
Managing Kanban Capacity
Like any system, Kanbans are only as good as the practices and cadences you use to maintain it. Now this doesn’t mean you have to be a professional Agile practitioner, but it’s pretty good practice to look at the buckets and be intellectually honest at least once a week or a few times a month.
When you see items that you realize you’ll never do in the ToDo list, it’s ok to move them to the backlog or to archive them entirely. When things are lagging in the Doing list, you might separate a portion of the undone work and make a new card at the top of the ToDo stack. The point here is to keep the work manageable, transparent, and well-sized.
What amount of work fits in a card?
In an Ops Kanban board, details are everything. But each card doesn’t need to be a full-blown customer story or Product Requirements document. Cards need to have enough information to work on and should be more detailed as they get to the Doing stage.
Need a guideline? It’s probably not enough detail to write: “build a report for the sales team” but the card in the Kanban doesn’t need to enumerate every field and every filter in that report to be effective. The point of this tool is to provide information and transparency to the entire team and to build a framework to streamline and move work forward.
What’s the takeaway? An Ops Kanban board is a great tool for demonstrating the scope and breadth of ops teamwork, while also serving as a placeholder for tasks that aren’t yet well defined. Using a Kanban to manage the flow of work on a data team helps to see how long it will take to get things done and which items are on the critical path to delivering value.
Links for Reading and Sharing
These are links that caught my 👀
1/ The (home) landing page - teams are de-emphasizing website home pages in favor of customized landing pages. In the world of multi-source attribution, building many paths for demand to reach you is a key tactic, and the home page is one of those strategies. An example: different sites presented to mobile and desktop viewers. It’s a nod to meeting the customer where they are.
2/ What’s a data catalog? - Data Catalogs are a set of software dedicated to helping teams understand data assets and queries. As teams grow, the effort of documenting these products gets bigger, and the list of “approved queries and datasets” becomes more challenging to maintain. At the core of it? Content management of data assets, which might be more important than the software you pick to do specialized cataloging.
3/ Do this, not that - Janelle Shane does a great job at capturing the frustration when asking generative AI tools to do something specific and getting a lousy result (in this case, drawing an illustration). Based on what I’ve learned about asking AI tools to repeat an instruction set, they don’t always repeat it flawlessly. Depending upon the question, that’s not horrible, but when you want to make a small change and keep the rest of your design …
What to do next
Hit reply if you’ve got links to share, data stories, or want to say hello.
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The next big thing always starts out being dismissed as a “toy.” - Chris Dixon